Fly-Spy Declassified

Fly-Spy Declassified!

Folks, from the Flight Blog, this is Cap’n Aux speaking.

Guess what?

I’ve been busy writing stories again!

It’s been awhile, but sometimes the creative coffers need to fill on their own. Once the creativity overpressure light starts blinking red, I know it’s time to forsake all else, get lost in that literary world, and WRITE!

To wit, I’m excited to share with you my latest literary adventures, out this month!

But First…

And now…

Fly-Spy Declassified!

Code Name Dodger Jihadi Hijacking

Many of you P1 readers here have come along with me during our Code Name: Dodger adventures with our favorite teen, Justin Reed, as he flits about the world saving humanity from all myriad bad guys.

Oh, and, by the way, getting into a lot of aeronautical scrapes while he’s at it!

Code Name: Dodger is a young adult spy series, with lots of flying. The 4-Mission series can be read in any order (But, of course, for the fullest experience, it’s best to read it in order.)

Code Name: Dodger Missions 1-4 are available in Print, eBook, or Audiobook, at:

Fly-Spy Declassified!

If you don’t know the original story, check out the book trailer!:

While Justin’s main adventures have wrapped up, I was invited to write more episodes of his adventures for Kindle Vella. Being as how Justin’s story is my favorite to write, I happily complied!

Fly-Spy Declassified

Well, recently, Amazon decided to end its experiment with Kindle Vella. The good news is, I am now able to offer this series in novella form!

This fast-paced Code Name: Dodger novella can also be read as a quick, easy, and exciting introduction to the series! (For now, this novella is only available on Kindle eBook.)

To that end, I’ve been able to negotiate an introductory price of a whopping 99 cents!

Still not convinced? OK, here’s a free sample!

Fly-Spy Declassified!


I peeked through my hotel room door’s eyehole.

Two young Japanese men stood there, sporting business suits, black overcoats, and shifty eyes.

Remembering training, I did a mental frisk, and searched with my eyes for weapons on them. I spotted the bulge of a weapon under the second man’s armpit.

“Uh, oh,” I muttered.

They glanced down the hallways. The first pulled out a thin, small black tablet from his coat. Wired to it was a key card, like the ones you use to open hotel doors. An electronic lock pick, I knew.

The hitman man kept watch as he slipped on a pair of black gloves.
I heard the lock picker slide the fake, blank master key card into the door’s magnetic lock. His tablet flashed to life with a dozen red numbers. The digits all began to spin rapidly, as the gadget raced to find the random code that would unlock my door.

Slowly, each digit fell into place.

From beneath his overcoat, the hitman drew his weapon: a nasty-looking Sig Sauer P320 pistol. The very same make and model that a certain Yakuza thug had tried to kill me with once.

As the killer screwed on a silencer, the codebreaking digits fell into place. From the rate they were dropping, I figured no more than thirty seconds before they burst in, Sig blazing.

I gulped.

No reason to hang around and give another gangster goon a shot at riddling the Artful Dodger with 9mm hollow-points.

But, locked in my room, where to go?

Preorder Code Name: Dodger—DeClassified here! Story to release on January 15th!


Fly-Spy Declassified!

Hemisphere Dancing Report

Just Hitched!

Well, they did it!!

Our eldest son, Gino, and his fiancée, Shan, just got hitched!!

Fly-Spy Declassified

What’s more, Bunny and I, uh, invited ourselves along on their Maui honeymoon!

OK, to be fair, we did allow them a several day head start before joining them!

Fly-Spy Declassified

Grey(ing) Eagles

Recently, I was honored to be invited to a meetup with some of our retired airline Cap’ns!

 Always wonderful to soak in the presence of aviation greatness—and better yet, lose your breath laughing at their hysterical stories!

Christmas with the Grandbabies!

Bunny and I enjoyed a lovely holiday season, featuring time with our precious granddaughters, 4-year-old Lyla, and 2-year-old Albert Einstein—er, I mean, Claire!

Fly-Spy Declassified Fly-Spy Declassified Fly-Spy Declassified Fly-Spy Declassified Fly-Spy Declassified Fly-Spy Declassified

Fly-Spy Declassified!

Quora Question Quorner

Wherein I answer all of your aviation questions at


In the Headlines

Fly-Spy Declassified

Revisiting Air France 447

Recently, I got quite a few questions about Air France 447

Fly-Spy Declassified Fly-Spy Declassified

Pilot Wannabies

Fly-Spy Declassified

Lazy Pilot Wannabe of the Week

Technonerd Quorner​

Fly-Spy Declassified

A Pilot's Life for Me

Fly-Spy Declassified

And, for my favorite question this week…


Silly Question of the Week

Fly-Spy Declassified

Wishing you the Happiest of New Years!!!

May 2025 bring you lots of aeronautical adventures!!!

Till the next blog post…

This is Cap'n Aux

Fly-Spy Declassified

Signing Off!

And, once again, be sure to check out

Code Name: Dodger—DeClassified!


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Fly-Spy Declassified!

About this post's banner pic: Taken by Cap'n Aux from the 2nd jumpseat of an A321 while on approach into KLAX.

The post Fly-Spy Declassified! appeared first on Adventures of Cap'n Aux.

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