As noted previously, my team practices asynchronous, always-updating standups through GitHub Discussions.

As it's performance management season, I'm looking back at what I've done over the last few months, and wanted to get a view of all the standup updates I've made, having spent far too long trying to do it manually, and then pop them into a Markdown file that I could then reference.

To do this, I've crafted the following GraphQL API query:

query ($owner: String!, $repo: String!, $discussionNumber: Int!) { repository(owner: $owner, name: $repo) { discussion(number: $discussionNumber) { comments(last: 100) { edges { node { body replies(last: 100) { edges { node { databaseId body createdAt author { login } } } } } } } } } }

To make it simpler, I've wrapped this in the GitHub CLI, gh, and used a small Ruby script to post-process:

require 'json' def exit_usage puts 'Usage: discussion-comments.rb $owner $repo $discussion_id' exit 1 end query = ' query ($owner: String!, $repo: String!, $discussionNumber: Int!) { repository(owner: $owner, name: $repo) { discussion(number: $discussionNumber) { comments(last: 100) { edges { node { body replies(last: 100) { edges { node { databaseId body createdAt author { login } } } } } } } } } } ' owner = ARGV[0] repo = ARGV[1] id = ARGV[2] user = ARGV[3] exit_usage unless owner exit_usage unless repo exit_usage unless id exit_usage unless user out = `gh api graphql -f query='#{query}' -F owner=#{owner} -F repo=#{repo} -F discussionNumber=#{id}` data = JSON.parse(out) data['data']['repository']['discussion']['comments']['edges'].each do |edge| edge['node']['replies']['edges'].each do |reply| next unless reply['node']['author']['login'] == user puts "## #{reply['node']['createdAt']}" puts '' puts reply['node']['body'] puts '' puts '' end end

I've purposefully not invested too much time in error handling - maybe one for next quarter's performance review?

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