The first full week back after the holidays ๐Ÿฅฑ

  • Nice to meet up with Riz at Dice Cup to sus it out ahead of Batch Bunch (tomorrow)
  • Had a nice roast today at the Larch Farm ๐Ÿ˜‹ and made better by Cookie being very good while we were out, maybe because she had Morph keeping her company ๐Ÿฅฐ
  • Booked my ticket + hotel for GopherCon UK
  • Started prepping my keynote for State of Open Con
  • On my talks site, started the migration to Hugo modules, and fighting trying to create a custom reveal-hugo theme, without duplicating any SCSS
  • Enjoying the new mode in Cat Snack Bar and that it's been a fun way to do a "start from scratch" style attempt
  • Enjoying the new "gifts from the rift" in the second half of the Apex Legends season, in particular the "unlock everything" and "always boosted" weapons, and been having fun with the knife
  • With some leftover plain chicken I made a sweet-and-spicy Korean chicken ๐Ÿ˜‹
  • Being on-call I noticed a bug with my standup.nvim plugin and fixed it
  • A couple of interesting songs, Restraint - Tycho (on repeat) and a Christmas song (It's Christmas! _ Gleetunez, Stephen) ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  • Morph's learned his cat flap works, I've not had to teach him anything after the first time I showed him ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  • Some very busy meeting days this week - with lots of post-holiday 1-1s
  • Maybe due to the weather being chilly and not being able to go outside, Morph's been very playful, playing with his tower and even wanting to have some of his "special toys" (toys that have to be under supervision, as Cookie would love to play with them if she gets the chance)
  • Shuffled around my office so Cookie has a nicer place to sleep, but ends up that the sofa bed is rather in the way, and Cookie is a bit too scared to use it anyway ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ
  • It was the anniversary of me passing my driving test, and feels like a lot longer than a year! Been so much positive impact on our lives
  • No Asda pizza this weekend - super chilly (and having to defrost the car) alongside on-call and a busy Friday afternoon with meetings, and the weekend's been chilly too so didn't get a chance to go
  • Had a DM that made me feel incredibly vindicated, but also dredged up a lot of stuff that's not been thought about for a few years


  • Taskmaster
    • We've now gone ad-free so it's made our lives much better
  • Squid Game
    • (Season 2)
    • And gutted it's already over, but glad there's a season 3 coming this year
    • Now we've caught up, been having a lot of good fun on the subreddit
  • Making of Squid Game
  • Saturday Night Live (on YouTube)
  • The Traitors
    • Some big flashbacks to some great games of Werewolf at hackathons
  • Celebrity Hunted 2024

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